Real Estate Development & Related Permits
Land development in Massachusetts can be a frustrating, costly and time-consuming process due to the number of permits and due diligence issues that can arise. The attorneys at Phillips & Angley are well-known for their proven experience in working with land developers and other property owners to oversee the land development planning process, and pursue and defend all necessary real estate development permits.
Permits and Other Real Estate Services
Our lawyers regularly assist developers, associations, businesses and individual landowners who are seeking to develop land that may require:
- Special permits
- Variances
- M.G.L. c. 40A, Section 6 petitions for nonconforming uses, structures and lots
- Site plan approval
- Definitive subdivision plan approval
- Approvals for nonconforming uses
- Lots and structures
- Eminent domain proceedings
- Other development permits
We always work hard to resolve our clients’ issues as quickly as possible. We realize, however, that sometimes litigation becomes necessary in order to reach the best possible outcome. This is why we are always prepared to protect our clients’ rights during a trial.
Our attorneys routinely work with developers and their engineers prior to zoning and planning board hearings, and we have a proficient understanding of how various zoning bylaws and ordinances are interpreted and administered by local boards and the courts. This knowledge is what allows us to help developers and landowners acquire all necessary permits efficiently and cost-effectively.
Contact a Local Real Estate Attorney Today
For more information about real estate development, please schedule an initial consultation to learn how we can assist you in your development goals. We can be reached through our online contact form or by calling 866-675-2109. Remote consultation options are available.